• Waymakers Missions Africa

    In serving the church we: Along with our Partners, STRENGTHEN indigenous Churches through Training and Equipping Church Leaders in Evangelism, Discipleship and Church Planting. Together we assist Logistically with their deployment through; 4x4 Off-road vehicles, Motorcycles, Canoes, Boats, and Oxcarts. Construct Boreholes for fresh water in the villages. Donate clothes where necessary. Facilitate feeding Projects & assist with farming veggie gardens. We also offer, Hands on, In-The-Field, Short Term Cross-Cultural Missionary Training. Invitations for Speaking Engagements are accommodated.



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Waymakers Missions Africa
Waymakers Missions Africa2 months ago
Waymakers May 2024 Activity Report
Waymakers Missions Africa
Waymakers Missions Africa1 year ago
An update on our sanitary project! In the picture attached is Roy. Roy has been trained on the Feminine Kits project. Sadly paralyzed waist down, but certainly able to use a hand operated sewing machine with great skill, producing quality work. This is a huge need for sanitary pads amongst the remote plains of Zambia and Angola as these girls and women get ‘left behind’ because they need to isolate during their menstrual cycle. We are working to come alongside them and provide them with reusable pads.
Waymakers Missions Africa
Waymakers Missions Africa1 year ago

The Agony. Gethsemane - Hebrew gat shemanim, “oil press.” How applicable. For from now on the pressure that our Saviour would be under is extreme and indescribable. The pressure and stress would be so great that a rare condition known as hemosiderosis would occur. This condition it is said is caused by extreme distress or fear, such as facing death, torture, or severe ongoing abuse. It's probably where the term "sweating blood," meaning a great effort, comes from. Matthew 26:36,38 - Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” We will never be able to understand the depth and pain of our Lord at Gethsemane, but we do not need to misunderstand it. It is the agony of GOD and MAN in one, face to face with sin. Today, Gethsemane, and tomorrow, Calvary. Two days and two experiences we know nothing about in personal experience, they are unique, they are the gateway into LIFE for us. Jesus did not fear...

Waymakers Missions Africa
Waymakers Missions Africa1 year ago
We thank God for His protection
Waymakers Missions Africa
Waymakers Missions Africa1 year ago
BUILDING INTO AND STRENGTHENING THE LOCAL INDIGENOUS CHURCH We had the privilege of having Harvesters Ministries who partner with us in discipleship and church planting, with Biblica, who are a global Bible ministry, here in Zambia to show them around and expose them to the Luvale people and life on the field. They visited for 3 days. As seen in the pictures, we took them to the forward base we are building as well as down the river to a temporary fishing village just off the plains. This village is very remote and the team was again struck by how many of them haven’t heard the gospel or have ever owned a bible in their own language. We also visited three churches and two scripture unions as well as introduced them to the local church leaders. This partnership will help us to equip the local leaders, helping them to be stronger in the word and in theology as well as discipleship principles to grow and extend the Kingdom.
Waymakers Missions Africa
Waymakers Missions Africa1 year ago
Challenges of being isolated in this bush 🇦🇴🇿🇲 80km within Angola in a village called Chilombo, north of the Zambia border, Florence had a stroke. Her and her husband are part of the mission here. Some village people helped take her on a canoe to get medical help. They spent 12 hours coming down the river where John went to pick her up at the border. She was then taken to the hospital and is being treated. She was very dehydrated from spending so long in the sun on the boat. These are some of the challenges of areas on Eastern Angola. They are very remote and war-torn with no medical help, no schools and not much development happening after the war. #waymakers #zambia #missions #africa #angola
Waymakers Missions Africa
Waymakers Missions Africa2 years ago
There was great excitement about the Bibles getting distributed and the recipients were incredibly grateful for this amazing gift. We want to thank the team from Harvesters Ministries who came from various different Churches up to Chavuma to help with the distributions. We are so thankful to God that many folk now have access to their own Bible and are able to read and meditate on God’s Word. #bibledistribution #waymakers #makingaway #zambia #discipleship #biblediscussion #meditateongodsword
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