Meet the Kambulo’s

admin Uncategorized June 8, 2020

We found him at the new Waymakers-Alpha campsite at Mayina Village, laboring away. He had walked 9km (5.5 miles) in the week to get his phone cards registered for the mobile phones we gave him, resulting in a badly swollen foot. But he was a man true to his word, and a swollen foot wouldn’t stop him.

We gave him new gumboots – he was dancing for joy – as well as some tools that included a wheelbarrow, rake, spades, nails, hammers and a slasher.

Then, much to his surprise, I picked him up in my arms and carried him, cheered on by all our onlookers. I couldn’t get the song “He ain’t heavy , he’s my brother” out of my head… We laughed and joked all the way back to his home.

Sitting here amoung the Kambulo’s, there is a tangible excitement in the air to get the lapa finished as soon as possible. Joseph, the eldest son, has taken up a lot of responsibility in getting the poles brought in and getting the area cleared.

When I asked them why they were so eager to get the lapa finished, their answer is priceless… Have a listen in the video below:

Jonny wasn’t the only one clocking many km’s by foot this week. His dear wife, Rose, small as she may seem, walked 11km (7 miles) one way, with 30km (66 pounds) of maize (corn) on her head, to the hammer mill and back again – a total journey of 22km (14 miles) in soft sand!

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a hammer mill operational in their own village one day? Not only will it benefit them, but ladies in the surrounding villages are walking even further to reach the mill for what is pretty much their staple food. We are trusting for a hammer mill in this village and actively seeking for a way to make it happen in the not too distant future.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. Faith without works is dead.


Update on Monday 15th June – Building Work Progression

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