The men were en route to their next borehole site visit on the West Bank Plains, driving through a field with long grass on either side of the vehicle, when out of the corner of John’s eye he saw an elderly woman. She was hunched over with all her belongings on her back, seeking help. Michael, who was driving the vehicle at the time, brought them to a halt to see if they could assist the lady. With the help of their interpreter, Joseph, they learnt that this elderly woman was chased away from her son’s home (not her biological son) and was trying to make her way home..
The men could not drive away and leave her to walk so they offered to give her a lift. With four men already in the vehicle it was quite a squeeze so Michael offered to climb on the roof with the lady’s belongings whilst John takes over the driver seat – in the front passenger seat was this elderly lady. Getting into a vehicle was definitely a new experience for her and although not many words were exchanged during the trip she was grateful for having kilometres taken off her journey.
The men parted ways with her some kilometres down the road and offered her a bottle of water and something to eat..
This story reminds us of the good Samaritan found in the Gospel of Luke. Many passed by the traveller as they were too busy or refused to stop and help him. The team could have been solely focused on getting to their destination and getting the job done of visiting all the borehole sites and they could have easily driven past the old lady. However, as children of God, we always need to have our eyes and ears open to see what people, or situations, God is placing in front (or in our periphery) of us to share His light and love with the world around us.
Let’s not be a people who are so focused on getting the job done that we forget to see and help the people we meet along our path.
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