Pastor Samusole Kayombo Collins was one of Johan’s right hand men at the mission base in Chavuma, Zambia. He was a family man who loved his wife and children dearly and loved the Lord – working and assisting in extending God’s kingdom here on earth. He dedicated his time and resources to shepherd his congregation in truth and love and to extend the Love of God into the villages in his area.

On 15 April 2021 Pastor Collins very suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. On the morning of the 15th of April Pastor Collins was at the mission base translating the S.A.L.T material from English into Luvale, Lesley gave him lunch after which he departed for his home. Four hours later he was found collapsed on the floor at his home and a few hours later passed away in hospital.
The gap Pastor Collins has left in the mission field is huge and will be difficult to fill. The gap in our hearts even bigger.
Below is a tribute from Johan and Lesley as well as one of other hub leaders and pastors, Pastor Davy.
n” The first time I met Pastor Collins, I knew here was a man that loves the Lord. In the years that I had the privilege of working with him and getting to know him well, my feelings about him were confirmed.
Ps Collins proved himself to love the Lord, his congregation, his family, and friends. He was a gentle man, soft spoken with a BIG heart. Both sister Lesley and I will miss him much, his passing away has left a large emptiness which we now must allow the Lord to fill.
To Matilda, his children, and the rest of the family, may our Lord strengthen and keep you in this season of weeping. I salute my brother, Ps Collins. Rest in peace my beloved friend and brother. ”
– Johan and Lesley Leach
” Collins’ life deserves to be celebrated because he fought for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. He himself was a true worshipper and believer of God. Brothers and sisters, it is a loss here on earth but a gain in the Kingdom of God.
Collins was a humble man and as cool as a cucumber. He was a man who listened more and talked less. He greatly respected people and their views – he knew that when he preached the Word of God, he first needed to appreciate the existence of God by respecting people (as they are made in His image), in order for them to understand the Gospel.
As we grieve and mourn, I wish to let all of you know that Collins was a great leader whose passion to serve his flock will be hard to forget. Indeed, he has left an incredible mark and contribution to the growth of the kingdom of God. Collins’ works speaks volumes of his character and contribution to the kingdom.
To me, Collins was a guiding light in the Kingdom – he set an example of what true leadership for Christ should be like. The church values his contribution, and he will always be remembered for being humble, understanding, a visionary and a dedicated member of the Body of Christ.
God bless you all.”
– Pastor Davy

We thank and praise God for the life of Pastor Collins and all he accomplished for Christ. We ask that you continue to pray with us for his wife, Matilda, and their children in this season of grieving. We pray for God’s spirit to comfort them and to be a close confident.
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